August Goes the Way of Augustus Gloop... Down a Chocolate River and Into the Boiler!

Welcome to the End!
The end of August, that is. I can’t say I’m sad to see the backside of this little pressure cooker of a month. It’s been everything a summer on Cape Cod threatens to be and more: Hot? Check. Humid? Check. Buggy? Check. Full of tourists desperately searching for driving lessons and a refresher course in manners? Triple Check. Let me float away into a vivid September sky on a raft of orange, red and yellow leaves to the sound of cackling witches as a rainbow of tourist tail lights— crimson, cherry, scarlet, vermillion, russet and ruby— arc over the Sagamore and Bourne bridges and spiral off to their various New Jerseys and Connecticuts and beyond.
As for me? I will be planning my Halloween costume and spinning spooky stories for you.
Oh, hey! I launched a Patreon. This allows me to scale back the freelance just slightly and yet still pay my bills with the old day job. You know what that means? More energy and creativity for writing. Won’t you consider stopping by and becoming my patron? It will mean the world to me. (**Edit: As of August 2022, the Patreon is no more.)
I set a goal at the beginning of 2019. One hundred story rejections would be mine! In the process of writing and submitting enough stories to gather 100 no-thank yous, I thought maybe, just maybe I would sneak a few sales in there as well. And guess what? It worked! As of the end of August I have some serious catching up to do to meet my goal— I’ve only racked up 29 rejections so far. And I’ve managed to sell three stories, receive one honorable mention, and nearly make it through to the last round of voting in a fantasy flash fiction contest.
Let’s see what September brings.